H&R Block Canada has offered to give readers of WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com 10 copies (well, coupon codes for free access) to their At Home Online Tax Program, valued at $15.95 + tax each. For a description of the software, please visit their product description page for more information.
I have no relationship with H&R Block and am not receiving any compensation for running this give-away other than the free access codes to give away.
Contest runs until 12:01 AM (Eastern Standard Time) on Friday, February 12th. That means that effectively, the contest runs until midnight this upcoming Thursday. There are multiple ways to increase your odds of winning, which are detailed in the form below. You can choose to employ as many or as few methods as you like. Good luck!
*Note: I’m trying out a new piece of software to help me manage give-aways. You don’t have to login with Facebook, you can enter your name and email address instead by clicking the line below the “Login with Facebook” button.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Also, for those interested: I’ll be on CBC’s The National with Peter Mansbridge on Tuesday night talking about pensions and retirement as part of the monthly “The Bottom Line” panel discussion.
Our last refund went towards a family getaway
Hey, looks like you’ve done some amazing things with your finances, and I look forward to reading more of your blog. This is the first time I’m going to be filing my own taxes! In the past I’ve been leeching off of my mom’s company accountant and I’m looking forward to doing it on my own :)
Great content on the regular Preet! Crossing fingers to win!
Preet, don’t forget to mention the “Gold Plated public service pension fund” on CBC, see if Mansbridge loses his cool with you…
… as in, “not all of us Peter are as lucky as you with a Gold Plated public service pension plan…”
@bigcajunman I can’t imagine not bringing up certain pension plans. I’m thinking of the gold plated variety politicians can earn after few years of service, however. :P
I guess my last refund bought me a dinner! I try not to give too much and I never want to owe!
Last years refund was combined with a bonus from work to get a new camera and a TV. This year I hope to do something a little more responsible.
There is a new show called Million Dollar Neighbourhood being filmed out in BC. The plan is to try to increase the neighbourhood’s net worth by $1 million. They re-did their taxes and ‘found’ a good chunk of change.
I put my last refund in my TFSA!
Yes, I would like to win a copy of this software! Thanks.
Free tax return? Count me in!
I’d be quite happy to win this and try it out.
Would be interested in trying out this product.
Count me in! :)
Great offer, great blog!
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