A couple of things to share today.
1. Vote for Canada’s Financial Visionary
Advisor.ca, an online industry rag geared towards financial advisors, is running a vote to find and rank Canadian Financial Visionaries. I’m honoured to be included in the second round of voting. If you would like to pop over and cast your vote you should know that the article written announcing this next stage of voting clearly indicates that you can only select ONE person from the twenty listed as your candidate, although the form says you can pick 10. ONLY PICK ONE. Now, that doesn’t have to be me. Take a look at the people on the list. Like I said, it’s an honour just being mentioned in the same breath as these other folks. So take a second to check out the candidates and cast your vote here for who you truly think is Canada’s Leading Financial Visionary. The bios are included AFTER the poll, so make sure to scroll down for more info before voting.
2. I’ve Started Writing a Column for The Globe and Mail
I’m also happy to share that the big announcement I hinted at last week can be let out of the bag. Today I’ve started as a columnist at The Globe and Mail focusing on personal finance. I’ll be writing twice per week with each piece about 400 words, give or take. I’m still keeping my day job but the blog may see some experimentation with posting frequency as I try to find a new rhythm. I’ve never been edited before and I’m glad it’s starting now since I have no formal education in journalism or writing (nothing substantial anyways). I’ve been studying some popular writers and trying to educate myself on what separates the well read from the almost dead. To that end you might see some further experimentation on writing styles. The last nugget of information that I’ve found interesting was the suggestion that people have to either love you or hate you, and polarizing audiences can be good for readership. One thing that will always remain the same is that you can count on straight shooting.
One thing that is interesting about the Globe comment sections is that you get a litany of constructive commenters and about an equal number of whack jobs who are anything BUT constructive. Make sure to read the comments on the first article – they certainly run the gamut! As always, I welcome constructive criticism as I have learned much from my readers.
Well, that’s it for the announcements… for now. :)
Thanks for taking the time to vote if you do.
Comments on online news articles represents the most fringe and extreme points of views of society. I wouldn’t pay too much attention to it. I’ve heard that some political organizations actually mobilize supporters to specific news articles, and start commenting, in order to accomplish some political goals.
Congrats on both accounts. I was rather surprised at how many Globe and Mail readers took issue with a critique of stock-picking contests in public schools.
Congrats Preet – the G&M commenters are mostly nuts.
Congratulations, I look forward to reading your G&M column.
Congrats, Preet. I voted for Moshe, but it was nice that they included you. :)
It is really amazing to see the difference between the smart, insightful and constructive comments we get on our blogs and the rubbish that passes for discussion on the Globe site. Actually, the CBC website is even worse.
Wishing you continued success.
That’s awesome! Congratulations on both fronts. I picked Prof. Milevsky. Close call between him and Mark Carney because it must be difficult to be a central banker in this economic environment.
Congrats on both fronts. Looking at the sea of older, mostly male faces, who are deservedly financial visionaries makes one wonder if the financial industry is not moving fast enough to capture the changing face of society (they didn’t call it a man-ission for nothing). Now there’s a G & M article for you that will elicit comments!
Congrats on the big news Preet!! I will vote now!
Congratulations on both counts! Always enjoy your writing and good luck with the vote.
Congrats Preet, you’re on fire lately!
Look forward to seeing your posts in Globe and Mail.
Publish a link to your colulmn – hard to find new content on their site.
Congratulations on both fronts. Look forward to seeing your column in Globe & Mail.