- For chocolate lovers. Yeah. http://t.co/NKWlx5Qx #
- Pulp Fiction rearranged in chronological order. http://t.co/7YcPkCQ1 <- Probably taken down soon. #
- Compensation of financial advisors in US – a range of options, pros and cons to each. Similar to Canada: http://t.co/uH8ZANPZ #
- The only reason many American families don't own an elephant is that they've never been offered one for easy weekly payments. -Mad Magazine #
- Investor Education: Passive Investing: A Couch Potato’s Portfolio http://t.co/X2jU8PDI #
- A must see -> RT @Swordless: Love these graphs. They really do tell the story of the European crisis. http://t.co/qOJHNC2w #
- Ha ha – thanks -> RT @bigcajunman: Year in Review – The Bottom Line: http://t.co/BNcoJGFN via @AddThis @preetbanerjee > Preet WINS!!! #
- Umm… WOW -> Trillion-frame-per-second video – MIT News Office http://t.co/2BhCysvu #
- New Globe Article: Fed up with high investment fees? Take action: Add some low-cost funds to your investment mix… http://t.co/kDQ7BbZz #
- You know you're in trouble when your credit card gets stolen and the guy who stole it spends less than you. #
- Didn't happen to me @rolandchiwetelu Just making a joke. #
- At house party in the middle of nowhere, don't know a soul. Must resist temptation to tell people I invented dice as a child and am retired. #