- It's pretty clear GF and I both like high end cars, but only one of us likes high end fridges. #
- No more mutual fund rock stars, now hedge fund managers and ETFs -> Legg Mason's Bill Miller Exits http://t.co/QPtUML0V #
- Investor Education: Active vs. Passive Investing Strategies http://t.co/OIK50Yu9 #
- 95% of experts agree that unless they have inside information, few if any, can predict daily stock price moves http://t.co/SwDXn6s5 #
- New Globe Article: Financial aid is available for the disabled: Government programs are offered for building sav… http://t.co/qKDvYtcq #
- Beautiful fall day, lunch by the water. Great view: http://t.co/AiBsk9Rw #
- "Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary…That's what gets you." – Jeremy Clarkson #
- Retirement invented in 1884 when life expectancy was 46.3 years. Retirement age was 65 back then 2. Not well thought out then. #
- Does Superman wear a cape? RT @BNN_TV: Today at 3:20 PM ET – Is debt crushing Canadians? #
- New Globe Article: Do you really get a guarantee with your segregated fund?: Segregated funds offer a guarantee,… http://t.co/0UifZzM9 #
- Thanks for RTs @bigcajunman @Steadyhandfunds @miazekcfp @mattardreycfp @shonabertrand Have a great weekend everyone! #
- Practicing my Blue Steel for the Toronto Calcutta Foundation Gala tonight. I hope they know I don't speak Bengali! http://t.co/inedqRAa #
What do you think about these as an investment in a TFSA?
@Sinistra – I generally shy away from holding a single bond issue, but as long as it fits with your risk tolerance and overall portfolio, then just like any investment someone is contemplating, just make sure you understand the investment, what could go wrong, and what your alternatives are. Beyond that, I can’t comment on individual securities in respect of providing an opinion on whether to own it or not. Too many variables to consider to provide specific advice through a blog.