If you follow me on twitter (@preetbanerjee), you’ll know that I decided to start a new podcast. I was trying to find some Canadian-content personal finance and business news podcasts but either I didn’t look hard enough, or most have stopped production because I couldn’t find anything. So I decided to start one up (again).
Mostly Money Mostly Canadian Episode 5
This week’s episode is now available on iTunes (You have to click through to “view in iTunes”). You can also just use the embedded player or MP3 download below.
This week:
- I talk to Jonathan Chevreau who recently left The National Post after almost two decades to helm MoneySense magazine. We talk about the concept of Findependence, and he offers up some advice garnered from his vast experience writing about personal finance over the years. A great interview!
- Facebook is now being sued over the IPO – I walk you through what’s happened so far, and what is the basis for the lawsuit
- On the subject of IPOs, I discuss a bit about how they work, including real world experience for the Canadian IPO investment process
Ratings on iTunes are appreciated :)
If you enjoy the podcast, please use the iTunes link to give it a rating (or even a review) if you have an iTunes account. The first three episodes both hit #1 in Business as well as in Investing – thank you!
Interested in being a guest?
If you would like to be a guest on the show, drop me a line at preet@preetbanerjee.com. Investors, advisors, fund managers, bloggers, whomever. Remember, it’s “mostly money” which means sometimes it won’t be about money.