If you follow me on twitter (@preetbanerjee), you’ll know that I decided to start a new podcast. I was trying to find some Canadian-content personal finance and business news podcasts but either I didn’t look hard enough, or most have stopped production because I couldn’t find anything. So I decided to start one up (again).
Mostly Money Mostly Canadian Episode 3
Remember: This is an R-rated podcast. You’ve been warned! ;)
This week’s episode is now available on iTunes (Click here to subscribe). You can also just use the embedded player or MP3 download below.
This week:
- MBA and eMBA program return on investment
- Do kids have it tougher now than their parents?
- NEW SEGMENT: Fortune cookie wisdom with a Sith Lord. Yep: Darth Vader weighs in on first time home buying.
- INTERVIEW: Ben Rabidoux (www.TheEconomicAnalyst.com) is a top real estate analyst who pulls no punches about what’s what in Canadian housing today
- Did you work for free on the Leap Day this year?
Ratings on iTunes are appreciated :)
If you enjoy the podcast, please use the iTunes link to give it a rating (or even a review) if you have an iTunes account. The first two episodes both hit #1 in Business as well as in Investing – thank you!
Interested in being a guest?
If you would like to be a guest on the show, drop me a line at preet@preetbanerjee.com. Investors, advisors, fund managers, bloggers, whomever. Remember, it’s “mostly money” which means sometimes it won’t be about money.