I’ve realized that I’ve shifted my focus from the blog to twitter lately. But since there are a significant number of readers who do not have a twitter account, I’ve installed a plugin that will create a weekly digest of my tweets and post them on the blog. So now, email subscribers will get the list of all the tweets I’ve made over the previous week in one post.
If you are already a twitter user, you can add me at @preetbanerjee
New Guest Author
I met a Bay Street trader (who will remain anonymous) who has a real passion for financial literacy. We’ll call him Tusk Trader for the time being. You’ve already seen two of his first guest posts, and I’m happy to announce he’ll be writing weekly for the near future… until he sets up his own blog. In the meantime, I’ll do my best to convince him running a blog is way too cumbersome to set up so that he keeps contributing here.
Tusk is also on twitter at @TuskTrader
Do YOU Want to Write here?
I’m not looking to pass the buck to new writers completely, but I am looking for Canadian financial industry insiders who wish to write anonymously (or not) about the more esoteric stuff. Rest assured I will protect your identity, and there are many readers who would love to hear your perspectives. No commitment required to write weekly, or even monthly. Heck, if you’ve got just one thing you want to get off your chest, that’s fine too. No pay, no ads and no backlinks is my offer for compensation.
Email me here if you are interested
Do I Want To Write Here?
As you may know, for over a year I’ve been writing a twice weekly column at The Globe and Mail. I’ve also been writing for the Investor Education Fund’s Masters of Money series. On top of that I have three other projects on the go, and the blog has been in last place on my priority list. I want to keep writing here, but I felt compelled to write only if I wrote the longer pieces I did before. Sadly, that’s not going to happen. There just isn’t enough time. Instead, I’m going to experiment with shorter posts – something between a 140 character tweet and the blog posts of old.
Perhaps every now and then, I’ll get possessed to write a longer post… but: baby steps!
Preet, I really miss the long posts, after having read your blog for a long time, and am very sad if the blog has come to an end.
A collection of tweets in a blog post is comparably uninteresting – if people are interested in 140 chars, they will follow you on twitter.com. No need to duplicate the content here.
Personally, I see little value in tweets, as filtering out the important content takes too much time. Better one interesting post per week (or month or whatever) that is original content, than a huge list of tweets that are either irrelevant (“just arrived at….”) or are reposts of content found elsewhere. I’m here because of your thoughts, not because of your retweets.
Hi Alec, thanks for the feedback.
Blog won’t be ending, but four posts a week plus a Friday lap of the blogs is too much to continue with given the increasing work load, at least at the longer lengths. I have a feeling I will get back to writing longer posts once I find a new groove.
I appreciate the feedback on the twitter digest. I was on the fence with it, but saw some larger US blogs using it. I’m always trying to keep up with the back end updates and evolving nature of social media. I’ll try the digest for a few months and see what the results are.
I think a longer weekly post is definitely an option worth exploring. A good compromise between my time constraints and the blog’s DNA.
Thanks for reading.
Preet, I can understand why 4-5 posts a week aren’t possible. But I don’t think it would need such a frequency. One well put thought is worth a lot, and there are many blogs that only post rarely – but if they do, their content is worth the read. Also a weekly market comment can be interesting, considering how famous the one from John Hussman has become.
I guess the key is not ending up forcing oneself to publish something. Your readers won’t run away if you reduce the frequency (unless you post at least once or twice per month). :)
Unsubscribing because I don’t want to read a series of tweets. My theory is that if I’m going to take the time to read and subscribe to something, I want more than status updates.
Hi Jane, certainly if the majority don’t like the twitter digests then I will scrap them. I don’t know if you missed it, but there will still be regular blog posts…