If you are new to WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com, every Friday I run a post called “A Lap Of The Blogs” which provides links to articles I found interesting and think that others may want to read for themselves. I also sometimes include some commentary on what’s going on in my personal life and a weekly “racing video” since my former life was in the auto-racing industry. The name “Lap of the Blogs” is in reference to “A Lap Of The Gods” which is an old video series which chronicled on-board footage of the world’s greatest F1 drivers lapping various racetracks from around the world. NOTE: you have to visit the actual website to see the embedded video – it may not appear in your email. Just click on the title of the email to see it…
Well I’m a day late with this week’s Lap Of The Blogs, but I’m sure you’ll forgive me, and as a special treat I’m going to share some of my creative writings… from nursery school! I’m visiting the parentals and found a collection of old school work which had me rolling on the floor laughing. A masterpiece will follow the weekly roundup of links…
In other news, I had the pleasure of meeting Squawkfox this week in Kelowna and we had a great time talking about the genesis of our respective blogs. If you haven’t taken a look yet, click here to check out one of the most successful Canadian blogs on the net.
Lastly, I have to admit to something of an indulgence this week: I went in to get measured for some bespoke suits. Since I wear a suit roughly 250 days per year I thought I would give it a try as a bespoke suit should actually last longer than an off-the-rack suit which is much cheaper. From what I’ve been researching, this is due to a floating canvas as opposed to a fused canvas with production line suits. A floating canvas means that the canvas (the layer of material between the jacket and the lining) hangs independently between the layers. It will be about two months for the suits to be ready, and I’ll give a report at that time.
Around The Blogosphere
Thicken My Wallet: Why people fail in investing with ETFs.
Jonathan Chevreau: $500 million to Ontarians for the Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund.
Squawkfox: Reviews the book One year to an organized financial life
L_Mac Online: Mutual fund commissions BANNED in the UK
Big Cajun Man: Free Speech and Financial Questions
Michael James on Money: Misalignment of interests on Wall Street (and Bay Street)
Four Pillars: Middlemen
Million Dollar Journey: Wealth and Socioeconomical Class
Canadian Capitalist: How do you say “bubble” in Chinese?
Rob Carrick: Before breaking your mortgage, read this
This Week’s Racing Video
As I mentioned, I’m going to skip this week’s video in lieu of sharing some of my childhood creative writings… because they are so nonsensical! Enjoy!
When I went to the fair the first thing we did was go for a walk, and then we went on the Rocket Ride. The Rocket Ride was very weird because we saw a crab and it fell on the roof top, and then we came down on a baseball field and the crab went down on the field. The crab caught a boy’s pants and pulled them down. Then the crab started to eat the pants. Next we went to the moon with the crab and we left the crab on the moon and went back to Earth and then we ran out of fuel. Then we crased into a plane that was flying to Italy. The End.
Thanks for the link. I enjoyed the little crab story. To be honest your current writing isn’t much better – just more financially oriented. :P
Glad you had a good time meeting Kerry and Russ.
That’s quite a crab. Thanks for the mention.
Loved teh crab story. Do it in 3-D, call it Crab-vatar, and maybe it’s the next Hollywood blockbuster
Thanks for the mention! Enjoy your new suit, I may one day buy something from Harry Rosen :-)
Enjoy the Australian Twilight Race
Thanks for the mention Preet!
This is the only proper way to make a custom suit:
@Patrick – brilliant! Thanks for sharing! :)
Just watched the video Patrick provided – hilarious!
Funny crab story. Thanks for the mention!