It’s Friday again which means it is time for another lap of the blogosphere! I just got home from the Raptors game (first home playoff game) and they actually played a decent game, although I really wish they would drive the boards more (or even at all) on offense. I remember my basketball coach in school yelling at us that when we shot the ball, to keep driving to the basket in case you miss (which was often!). It seems the NBA norm is to throw up a shot, freeze your arms in the air, extend the pinky and hop backwards while you wait and see if you hit the bucket. Very artistic. Anyways…
A Lap Of The Blogs
The Million Dollar Journey hosted a guest post by yours truly on Equity Collars which is a strategy that uses the premiums from written call options to offset the cost of portfolio insurance (long puts). I thought it was pretty good. :P
Thicken My Wallet never ceases to amaze me with his constant quality content and this week he explains some strategies to employ if you are being laid off. There is some seriously good material here, and even if you aren’t being laid off today, you should check it out. If you ARE being laid off today, all the more reason.
Zahid Jafry of The Onus Consulting Group has an issue with BNN Squeeze Play’s Kevin O’Leary about the ABCP distribution. A thought provoking read.
Mr. Cheap from the Quest For Four Pillars discusses how to invest in shotguns. No, just kidding – the post is titled ‘Shotgun Investing‘ but its actually about lowball bidding on multiple investments in order to find one sucker who takes you up – or rather, how to avoid being ‘that guy’.
Ellen Roseman has a pseudo panel discussion about the ING Streetwise Funds with some bloggers and ING directly. Are the fees too high, even at 1%? You be the judge.
Michael James on Money notes that while the high price of oil is stinging to many, there are actually some advantages.
And last (but not least), The Canadian Capitalist weighs in on the Dogs of the Dow investing strategy (note that the discussion continues on in the comment thread).
This Week’s Racing Video
The hill climb videos seem to be pretty popular so I thought I would pull an Emeril and ‘take it up a notch’. One of the quickest racecar classes in the world used to be Formula 3000 (replaced by GP2 now) which is a feeder series to the pinnacle of motorsport, Formula 1. What happens when you put a Formula 3000 open-wheel racecar on an asphalt winding mountain road? White knuckles. POW!
Thanks for the mention and the great guest post!
The Onus Group blog post is interesting, but there were a few times I had to ask myself if it was really a joke!
I understand that not everyone will have the same level of interest in investing as the average reader of this blog, but saying people shouldn’t be exposed to any risk because someone told them something was safe is a bit of a stretch.
If they really want to increase people’s trust in their business, instead of saying that another party should save the uneducated investors who lost money they should personally insure any investment they say can’t lose money! Maybe the risk of losing all their assets will make them more interested in what’s true and what’s not. It sounds like this is what’s happening after the fact, but sooner or later people have to learn that something isn’t guaranteed if it’s not part of the agreement before investing.
Thanks for the link. Have a great weekend.
Thanks for the link Preet. Hope you are having a nice weekend.