If you are new to WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com, every Friday I run a post called “A Lap Of The Blogs” which provides links to articles I found interesting and think that others may want to read for themselves. I also sometimes include some commentary on what’s going on in my personal life and a weekly “racing video” since my former life was in the auto-racing industry. The name “Lap of the Blogs” is in reference to “A Lap Of The Gods” which is an old video series which chronicled on-board footage of the world’s greatest F1 drivers lapping various racetracks from around the world. NOTE: you have to visit the actual website to see the embedded video – it may not appear in your email. Just click on the title of the email to see it…
My brother is getting married later this month and while looking up flights to Los Angeles online, Fiona discovered that we can save about $500 (less gas to and from for the extra distance) if we fly out of Buffalo instead of Toronto – what more could a personal finance blogger ask for? :) I’ll write about it in more detail in the next few weeks…
From Around The Blogosphere
Are you a Microsoft Money user? Then you should know that Microsoft will be discontinuing updates for it soon. Canadian Capitalist found some ways for users to cope.
Do you have kids who need bank accounts? Million Dollar Journey has some advice on where you might find the best deals.
Four Pillars discusses what to look at when considering if you should break your mortgage for a better interest rate.
Mrs. Michael James on Money (Kirsten or Mary Jane??? – inside joke) explains that free shipping on book orders are not always so cut and dry!
Big Cajun Man explains that teaching your kids about frugality on their first foray on their own is a pretty good time to start (or at least cement some ideas) into their temporarily sober heads.
Larry MacDonald talks about how your genes might affect your propensity to certain investing styles.
Thicken My Wallet discusses a Supreme Court case in the US which might have implications for the limits of investing fees.
Jonathan Chevreau writes about the ongoing battles between leveraged ETF providers and investor advocates. It’s getting heated!
This Week’s Racing Video
This is one of my favourite videos. A former F1 driver takes his wife around a racetrack and she goes nuts trying to get him to slow down, which only makes him drive faster. I’m pretty sure he’s deaf in his right ear… :)
Thanks for the mention Preet! Have a great weekend!
Thanks a lot for the link!
Thanks for the mention have a fun but sober weekend
Thanks for mentioning the kids bank account article Preet! That video always cracks me up, enjoy the weekend!
Thanks for the mention. My wife says she’s happy to be known as Kirsten or Mary Jane.
Thanks for the link.
Great video – I used to be a big fan of Patrese when he was in F1.
Just found your blog. Thanks for the lap of blogs.
I am Rhea S. I have visited your website and I would like to congratulate you on building such a valuable online resource. I am sure your visitors find your site as useful as I did.
Have a great day.
Thanks and regards,
Rhea S.