If you are new to WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com, every Friday I run a post called “A Lap Of The Blogs” which provides links to articles I found interesting and think that others may want to read for themselves. I also sometimes include some commentary on what’s going on in my personal life and a weekly “racing video” since my former life was in the auto-racing industry. The name “Lap of the Blogs” is in reference to “A Lap Of The Gods” which is an old video series which chronicled on-board footage of the world’s greatest F1 drivers lapping various racetracks from around the world. NOTE: you have to visit the actual website to see the embedded video – it may not appear in your email. Just click on the title of the email to see it…
Yeah, so I’ve been a bit late in announcing the winner of the Benjamin Graham On Investing book giveaway contest. The winner is Gary for his comment “Great site! Thanks for the chance at a great book.” – his name was picked at random.
From Around The Blogosphere
Rob Carrick describes the new “Ally” you might have when it comes to online banking.
Thicken My Wallet explains that simply having a will tucked away doesn’t mean your done with monitoring your estate plan.
Canadian Financial DIY proposes that if we can invest in SRI investments (socially responsible investments), then perhaps we should look into Shunned and Sinner Investments. He even came up with an acronym (because the financial world doesn’t have enough): TWANG – Tobacco, Weapons, Alcohol, Nuclear and Gambling.
Big Cajun Man takes on Rogers and printers in his always amusing rants. He seems to be winning, by the way…
Michael James on Money explains that the government came up with a nifty calculator to help inform Canadians about cell phone contract costs. Unfortunately industry lobbyists had it shut down because an informed consumer can’t be taken to the cleaners as much as a confused consumer!
Ever heard of “Ramen Profitability“? Four Pillars explains that it has to do with money and noodles and entrepreneurship. Yes, you read that right.
Million Dollar Journey has a guest post on money personalities and dating. How important is it to find someone with similar ideas about money as you?
Canadian Capitalist lists his contributions to the Globe and Mail’s list of top investment deals. I’m surprised no one mentioned employer matching contributions to group RRSPs, etc.
This Week’s Racing Video
This one is a short compilation of some rally footage focusing in on jumps. Some successful… some, not so much. Enjoy your long weekends everyone! :)
Thanks for the mention. I liked the driver who took the time to clean his windshield. That wouldn’t be my first priority as my car was flying through the air. I guess that’s why they drive and I watch.
Winning in some areas, losing in others, we’ll see, thanks for the mention and have a great weekend (and drive carefully too).
Boy those rally cars sure do take a beating! Thanks for mentioning Kathryn’s article Preet, seems to be a controversial one.
Good point about employer match in Group RRSPs being a top deal. I didn’t think of that one. Thanks for the mention!
Thanks for the link. Enjoy the long weekend.
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