If you are new to WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com, every Friday I run a post called “A Lap Of The Blogs” which provides links to articles I found interesting and think that others may want to read for themselves. I also include some commentary on what’s going on in my personal life and a weekly “racing video” since my former life was in the auto-racing industry. The name “Lap of the Blogs” is in reference to “A Lap Of The Gods” which is an old video series which chronicled on-board footage of the world’s greatest F1 drivers lapping various racetracks from around the world.
If you don’t normally watch the weekly racing videos, you may want to check this week’s edition – it’s priceless (video at the bottom of the post). Off to Vancouver for a week, but posts will (probably) continue… :)
From Around The Blogosphere
Canadian Capitalist looks at Steadyhand Mutual Funds (run by former PH&N top dog Tom Bradley). I’ve walked past their offices in Vancouver once or twice, if I’m not mistaken they are next to a Lamborghini dealership.
Michael James on Money explains why a mutual fund may suddenly change its name. Expect another round of that in the next few years.
Million Dollar Journey looks at Old Age Security and the OAS clawback.
Big Cajun Man writes about some folks who tried to rip off Air Miles.
L-Mac (street name for Larry MacDonald) uncovers a treasure trove of tv clips of financial forecasters dating as far back as 1979 on the CBC archives.
Mark Wolfinger wrote a great book on Options for Rookies, aptly titled Options for Rookies. (I own it, and recommend it.)
Canadian Financial DIY discovered that bloggers are starting to get some real respect in the mainstream media.
Thicken My Wallet talks about investing in a low interest rate environment.
This Week’s Racing Video
Okay, first I want to point out that there is more to this video than meets the eye. Second, no one was seriously hurt (although it looks like someone gets his head run over, he didn’t). And third, the magic of this video is truly revealed at the 1:45 mark. Hint: just watch the guy standing on the side of the car, and pay attention to his pants. That’s all I’m saying… enjoy! :)
Thanks for the mention have a sweltering weekend!
Thanks for the mention Preet! Enjoy the weekend!
Thanks for the mention! Have a great weekend.
Thanks for the link!
Steadyhand is next to a Lamborghini dealership, eh?
Thanks for the mention!
Nice post. Thanks and specially thanks for the links.
Hi Preet, better late than never to say thanks for the link. Hope that an occasion to meet comes along. It was great to meet the Ottawa bloggers recently.