If you are new to WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com, every Friday I run a post called “A Lap Of The Blogs” which provides links to articles I found interesting and think that others may want to read for themselves. I also include some commentary on what’s going on in my personal life and a weekly “racing video” since my former life was in the auto-racing industry. The name “Lap of the Blogs” is in reference to “A Lap Of The Gods” which is an old video series which chronicled on-board footage of the world’s greatest F1 drivers lapping various racetracks from around the world.
In case you missed it, I made an appearance on CTV Newsnet last weekend. You can click here to watch the interview. Other than that, I flew into Calgary this morning and am flying back this evening (I’m writing this as I wait to board the plane home). That’s 8 hours of travel time for what amounted to 6 hours of meetings. Don’t think I could manage this commute everyday, suddenly Ajax to Oakville doesn’t feel so bad! :)
From Around The Blogosphere
Canadian Capitalist asks us if there is anything better than stocks for long term investing.
FungMoney.com gives the 411 on how to read a stock quote.
Dr. Wolfinger lists some common misconceptions about options.
Tobey Maguire on Money reveals Warren Buffett’s recipe to prevent mortgage abuses.
Four Pillars asks, Who Do You Trust?
Big Cajun Man gives an example of how incompetence can be expensive when it comes to filing your taxes.
Larry MacDonald (who I’m hoping to finally meet next week!) reviews the book When Giants Fall: An Economic Roadmap for the end of the American era.
Million Dollar Journey has a great tip for money decisions: sleep on it!
This Week’s Racing Video
A friend sent this to me on facebook: it’s a montage of some great Formula 1 clips with a more artistic slant. I love watching the slow-motion clips of what we refer to as moments that rank high on the “sphincter pucker factor”. Enjoy and have a great weekend everyone!
Thanks for the mention, don’t like to brag, but I find the most interesting ways to screw up my taxes… -c8j
Thanks for the mention and the morning chuckle. Many years ago, I used to travel back and forth from Burlington to Oshawa on weekends. As I recall, it took over 3 hours each way by public transit. My commute from upstairs to downstairs is a lot shorter now.
Thanks for the link Preet!
Thanks for the link Preet. Cheers!