If you are new to WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com, every Friday I run a post called “A Lap Of The Blogs” which provides links to articles I found interesting and think that others may want to read for themselves. I also include some commentary on what’s going on in my personal life and a weekly “racing video” since my former life was in the auto-racing industry. The name “Lap of the Blogs” is in reference to “A Lap Of The Gods” which is an old video series which chronicled on-board footage of the world’s greatest F1 drivers lapping various racetracks from around the world.
I’m in Vancouver this week and will continue to be in BC until Tuesday, I sure do enjoy getting to see my parents more often with the new job as they live in West Vancouver. We have a tradition of going out for dinner to a restaurant called Ho Yuen Kee which has a garlic chilli crab signature dish and a two course peking duck dish that we order without fail, every time. If you live in Vancouver – I HIGHLY recommend checking it out – people get smacked if I go to Vancouver and DON’T get to eat there during the trip!
From Around The Blogosphere
Canadian Dream points out that financial bloggers are generally not very representative of the wider population. Is that why I think getting a Golden Doodle and calling him Chewbacca is fine without checking with Fiona first?
Thicken My Wallet wonders if we are going to have a pension plan crisis in the future, given that there are so many underfunded Defined Benefits pension plans out there.
A reader had asked me to do a review on Mint.com (an online personal finance organizer of sorts) – and to that I say: maybe I’m off the hook because the President of the Canadian chapter of the Tina Fey Appreciation Society has written a review of Mint.com this week! Don’t forget to enter their Great Canadian Book Giveaway – contest ends Saturday at 8pm.
Since the sky is falling, Million Dollar Journey has put together a primer on two types of insurance that help to cover your savings and investments should your financial institution go out of business: CDIC and CIPF. AFAIK, you may not be SOL AAISAD. (Translation: As Far As I Know, you may not be S#it Out Of Luck After All Is Said And Done.) BTW, the financial services has more acronyms than any other industry -believe me.
Canadian Capitalist gives us some light at the end of the tunnel: good returns are more likely to follow bad returns. Unfortunately, many people are usually one step behind – they gain confidence after the markets have been on a bull run so they usually miss out on all the fun, but at least they have front row seats for the next correction… :P
Last but not least, Michael James on Money explains what poker can teach us about investing. If you read all the comments too, you’ll find some more interesting material. Very cool post.
This Week’s Racing Video
Many thanks to the reader who submitted this week’s video suggestion. It runs for only 1 minute and is titled “5 Kinds of Lucky” – all I can say is WOW. Enjoy and have a great weekend everyone!
Thanks for the mention! That video is something else.
Good luck with the Golden Doodle and thanks for the link. :)
Thanks a lot for the link!
Doodle away! :)
Thanks for the mention! Have a great weekend! Cheers!
You are right, there are a lot of acronyms in the financial industry! Thanks for again for the link Preet!
Oh, I don’t know … Some of us are all too “representative” …