If you are a daily reader, you will know that I’ve been experimenting with some alternative delivery methods, such as the video entry on private equity and the video tutorial on looking up a stock quote. Well, starting soon I’m also going to start pod-casting. Look for an iTunes podcast feed to launch (as soon as I figure it out). This will allow people to download the feeds and listen to them on the way to work on their iPods (I think). :)
From Around The Blogosphere
Jonathan Chevreau talks to Norm Rothery about how $10 trade commissions present some interesting portfolio options.
The Quest For Four Pillars explains how anyone can probably create an extra $30 in passive income starting today.
I’m convinced Tim from Canadian Dream: Free at 45 has figured out life almost completely. Read him explain how he thrives on $35,000/year.
The Canadian Capitalist explains how you can deposit Canada Child Tax Benefit or Universal Child Care Benefit payments into an account in your child’s name and have the interest payments treated as your child’s income.
Thicken My Wallet talks about your options when you owe money to creditors but cannot pay them.
Larry MacDonald talks about the conflict of interest real estate agents are exposed to.
Michael James on Money further expounds on the alignment of interests between two parties.
And last but certainly not least, FrugalTrader from The Million Dollar Journey talks about 10 ways you can save big bucks on campus.
This Week’s Racing Video
If you are new to WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com, you should know that every Friday I post a ‘Lap of The Blogs’ which links to other articles of interest from around the internet. I also include an auto-racing video simply because cars and racing are my other passion. This week’s video isn’t actually a racing video, but rather is the future of the automobile should oil prices continue to rise. It highlights a car that 1) gets 100mpg 2) fits in an elevator and 3) has a top speed inversely related to your weight. :)
Thanks for the link Preet. Have a great weekend!
Preet, thanks for the link. Enjoy your weekend.
“has figured out life almost completely”?!?!? Really? When did that happen? No one told me I got if figured out.
Actually I find I’m still missing entire sections like why people who live in a society that is suppose to be intelligent insist on destroying the very thing that supports our lives. It’s just totally insane to me.
Thanks for the mention Preet!
Thanks for the mention!
Thanks for the link! Enjoy the holiday weekend!
Ha, ha! Timing of the Peel P50 vid is perfect.
So funny it almost made me even pee a little.
Going to a smaller car isn’t always an option, those diesels and two stoke engines aren’t all that environment friendly either. Today’s emission standards are the highest ever. In fact there’s this story of a guy trying to off him self through the exhaust from his Escalade. Wife found him asleep in the morning in the garage with truck still running and a hose from the exhaust to the cabin. Dude had a head ache, from a hang over.
I am a huge fan of always getting the best bang for my buck and if picking up a large car/truck at a huge discount is the answer, so be it. I will factor in performance, safety, gas consumption, insurance rates, and depreciation.
Happy Canada Day.